What is HP5 1PJ
This postcode consists of several addresses. The problem is that it is oversubscribed and subject to abuse. For example, if you take a parcel to the Post Office for “Special Delivery”, you will be asked for your postcode and your door number. What the Post Office do not realise is that there are several door numbers the same on HP5 1PJ. For example there are the same numbers on each of these addresses.
This postcode consists of several addresses. The problem is that it is oversubscribed and subject to abuse. For example, if you take a parcel to the Post Office for “Special Delivery”, you will be asked for your postcode and your door number. What the Post Office do not realise is that there are several door numbers the same on HP5 1PJ. For example there are the same numbers on each of these addresses.
- · Hospital Hill
- · Merlebank
- · Prospect House
X Hospital Hill
Waterside Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1PJ |
X Merlebank
Waterside Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1PJ |
X Prospect House
Waterside Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1PJ |